873 research outputs found

    Construction of Correlation-Regregional Model for Managing the Total Risk

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    А correlation-regression model was constructed to manage total bank risk. The model is applicable both to a single commercial bank and to the whole bank sector of the Republic of Belarus

    The impact of financial risks on the profitability of a commercial bank

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    The article reveals the influence of Belarusian banks financial risks on banks profitability

    Construction of Correlation-Regregional Model for Managing the Total Risk

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    А correlation-regression model was constructed to manage total bank risk. The model is applicable both to a single commercial bank and to the whole bank sector of the Republic of Belarus

    The impact of financial risks on the profitability of a commercial bank

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    The article reveals the influence of Belarusian banks financial risks on banks profitability


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    A balanced socio-economic development of any country is closely related to the efficiency of the system of intergovernmental relations, which should be aimed at optimizing the process of fiscal decentralization and clear definition of the powers of local government. Interbudgetary regulation in Ukraine reflects processes of the national and political importance and is of great importance in the composition of intergovernmental fiscal relations, which priority is growing in terms of decentralization reforms. Purpose. The main objectives of this study are: to summarize a complex task that is resolved in the process of budgetary control; to analyze the dynamics of revenues of the consolidated budget of Ukraine in 2007-2016 and the proportion of own local revenues in GDP; to distinguish formation features of Ukrainian local budgets by region; to analyze volumes of local budgets per capita in terms of area; to highlight the leverage rate of local budgets; to analyze the share of interbudget transfers in total local budgets. Results. The study is a synthesis of the complex challenges that must be resolved in the process of budgetary control, such as: balancing the budget; foster the interest of local governments in the maximum revenue mobilization; reallocation of existing budgetary resources, taking into account local features. The dynamics of the revenues of the consolidated budget of Ukraine in 2007-2016 was analyzed and concluded that the proportion of own local revenues in GDP tended to decrease with a simultaneous increase in the share of the interbudget transfers from the state budget. Abovementioned resulted in the ensuring of a stable share of local budgets in the GDP structure (at 14-15%). As a result of the intergovernmental fiscal decentralization reform by the results of 2016 the share of own revenues of local budgets Ukraine in GDP rose to 7.2%, or 1.1% compared to 2015 with a simultaneous decrease in the interbudget transfers share from the state budget to 8.2% (0.6% compared to 2015). Analyzed the share interbudget transfers in total local budgets, which for a long period tended to increase (from 47.2% in 2007 to 53.4% in 2016), which is contrary to the basic principles of fiscal decentralization. Conclusion. Grounded features of Ukrainian local budget revenues by region and proved that the unevenness of income between regions of Ukraine are often equivalent to the level of industrial production. Analyzed volumes of local budgets per capita in terms of area. Presented the list of influence instruments on local budgets indexes of incomes, including the increase in the minimum wage, inflation, continuing reform of the budget system in the direction of fiscal decentralization and transfer volumes.Представлен комплекс задач, который должен решаться в процессе межбюджетного регулирования, проанализирована динамика доходной части сводного бюджета Украины в 2007-2016 гг. и удельный вес собственных доходов местных бюджетов в структуре ВВП, выделены особенности формирования доходов местных бюджетов Украины по регионам. Проанализированы объемы доходов местных бюджетов на душу населения в разрезе территорий, освещены рычаги влияния на показатель доходов местных бюджетов, проведен анализ удельного веса межбюджетных трансфертов в общей структуре местных бюджетов.Узагальнено комплекс завдань, що має вирішуватись у процесі міжбюджетного регулювання, проаналізовано динаміку дохідної частини зведеного бюджету України у 2007–2016 рр. та питому вагу власних доходів місцевих бюджетів в структурі ВВП, виокремлено особливості формування доходів місцевих бюджетів України за регіонами. Проаналізовано обсяги доходів місцевих бюджетів на душу населення у розрізі територій, висвітлено важелі впливу на показник доходів місцевих бюджетів, здійснено аналіз питомої ваги міжбюджетних трансфертів у загальній структурі місцевих бюджетів

    Thermal inactivation and conformational lock studies on glucose oxidase

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    In this study, the dissociative thermal inactivation and conformational lock theories are applied for the homodimeric enzyme glucose oxidase (GOD) in order to analyze its structure. For this purpose, the rate of activity reduction of glucose oxidase is studied at various temperatures using b-D-glucose as the substrate by incubation of enzyme at various temperatures in the wide range between 40 and 70 �C using UV–Vis spectrophotometry. It was observed that in the two ranges of temperatures, the enzyme has two different forms. In relatively low temperatures, the enzyme is in its dimeric state and has normal activity. In high temperatures, the activity almost disappears and it aggregates. The above achievements are confirmed by dynamic light scattering. The experimental parameter ‘‘n’’ as the obvious number of conformational locks at the dimer interface of glucose oxidase is obtained by kinetic data, and the value is near to two. To confirm the above results, the X-ray crystallography structure of the enzyme, GOD (pdb, 1gal), was also studied. The secondary and tertiary structures of the enzyme to track the thermal inactivation were studied by circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy, respectively. We proposed a mechanism model for thermal inactivation of GOD based on the absence of the monomeric form of the enzyme by circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy

    Randomized comparison of single dose of recombinant human IL-12 versus placebo for restoration of hematopoiesis and improved survival in rhesus monkeys exposed to lethal radiation

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    BACKGROUND: The hematopoietic syndrome of the acute radiation syndrome (HSARS) is a life-threatening condition in humans exposed to total body irradiation (TBI); no drugs are approved for treating this condition. Recombinant human interleukin-12 (rHuIL-12) is being developed for HSARS mitigation under the FDA Animal Rule, where efficacy is proven in an appropriate animal model and safety is demonstrated in humans. METHODS: In this blinded study, rhesus monkeys (9 animals/sex/dose group) were randomized to receive a single subcutaneous injection of placebo (group 1) or rHuIL-12 at doses of 50, 100, 250, or 500 ng/kg (groups 2–5, respectively), without antibiotics, fluids or blood transfusions, 24–25 hours after TBI (700 cGy). RESULTS: Survival rates at Day 60 were 11%, 33%, 39%, 39%, and 50% for groups 1–5, respectively (log rank p < 0.05 for each dose vs. control). rHuIL-12 also significantly reduced the incidences of severe neutropenia, severe thrombocytopenia, and sepsis (positive hemoculture). Additionally, bone marrow regeneration following TBI was significantly greater in monkeys treated with rHuIL-12 than in controls. CONCLUSIONS: Data from this study demonstrate that a single injection of rHuIL-12 delivered one day after TBI can significantly increase survival and reduce radiation-induced hematopoietic toxicity and infections. These data significantly advance development of rHuIL-12 toward approval under the Animal Rule as an effective stand-alone medical countermeasure against the lethal effects of radiation exposure

    Метод повышения надежности информационных телекоммуникационных облаков путем внедрения гомогенности

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    У статті розглянуто підхід до проектування інформаційної хмари шляхом впровадження гомогенності в функціональні вузли. Розглянуто метод, що дозволяє виключити з системи керуючі вузли, вихід з ладу яких, призводить до відмови всієї системи. Розглянуто питання застосування та впровадження систем, побудованих на базі гомогенного резервування. Був приведений кінцевий детермінований автомат, який описує переходи між станами вузла інформаційної хмари. Дано математичне підтвердження надійності даного методу проектування інформаційних хмар. Була виведена рекурсивна формула і умова виходу з рекурсії, що дозволяє ефективно обчислити надійність системи в залежності від кількості вузлів системи. Було доведено, що надійність системи зростає при збільшенні кількості вузлів за експоненціальним законом.The approach to the information cloud design through the introduction of homogeneity is presented in the article. The method that is excluding single points of failure is considered in the article. The usage examples and integration of the systems that were developed on the basis of homogeneous redundancy are introduced as well. It was given deterministic finite automaton, which describes the state transitions of the nodes in the cloud. Article also describes the mathematical proof of the method`s reliability. Recursive formula and the exit condition of the recursion were derived, which allow efficient computing of the reliability of the system that depends on the number of nodes. It has been proved that the reliability of the system increases with the number of nodes exponentially.В статье рассмотренный подход к проектированию информационного облака путем внедрения гомогенности в функциональные узлы. Рассмотрен метод, позволяющий исключить из системы управляющие узлы, выход из строя которых, приводит к отказу всей системы. Рассмотрен вопрос применения и внедрения систем, построенных на базе гомо-генного резервирования. Был приведен конечный детерминированный автомат, который описывает переходы между состояниями узла информационного облака. Дано математическое подтверждение надежности данного метода проектирования информационных облаков. Была выведена рекурсивная формула и условие выхода из рекурсии, позволяющая эффективно вычислить надежность системы в зависимости от количества узлов системы. Было доказано, что надежность системы растет при увеличении количества узлов по экспоненциальному закону